Friday, April 27, 2007

Habondia brings Abundance & Prosperity

The Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity, Habondia is descended from a Germanic Goddess of the Earth. She ensured the abundance of crops and herds for her devotees. Her name is written in Theban script on the banner. Call on her to promote growth and abundance in your life.

Just a reminder to allow and accept all the windfall and blessings that can and will come our way! Checks in the mail! Cash on the street! Loving paybacks! however it chooses to show up! And I add along with it peace of heart and mind, healthy bodies and minds and all the love you can contain and share! and the simplicity of just being.

Pass it to 6 of your good friends or family and be richer in 4 Days.

Pass it to 12 of your good friends or family and be richer in 2 Days.

Or just pass it on as a blessing to people because we all can stand to be reminded
to focus that there are blessings waiting to be poured out on us all -
just open our hands and our hearts to receive.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Meditation

When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream.
When we are dreaming with others,
it is the beginning of reality.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Credit to the Artist

I found the image used on this blog during a quick Google search. It immediately drew me in and I felt that it was perfect for the message of this blog.

Since I have many artists as friends, I felt compelled to locate the creator of this image and give them credit. Here's what I found:

Robert Joseph Donaghey describes the image as an illustration of a ritual from the Huna ( Hawaiian ) tradition called the "Ha Rite" In the ritual "mana" (life force) is stored in the body and then it is sent up to the "Aumakua" (higher self) along with a prayer , and the "Aumakua" uses the energy to make the prayer come true.

He is a true spiritual seeker, experienced teacher, an ardent environmentalist, adventurer, and skilled craftsman.

He has worked with many of the world's most respected spiritual luminaries illustrating their deepest concepts. His work is renowned worldwide and has an honored place in many art collections.

With over 15 years of professional experience in state of the art computer imaging systems and a lifetime of art study and practice, Robert is a true master of fine art digital painting and spiritual illustration. His work is a fusion of spiritual artistry and leading edge science.

Artist's Statement

"I often find myself trying to express my love and reverence of wildlife and the divine design of Nature through my artwork; it’s very difficult to put these concepts into words because they are inherently ineffable and intrinsically intuitive, so I try to express them in carefully thought out symbolic images. In a painting I can capture an entire knowing or belief that would take an endless conversation to convey.

My thinking is very visual and parallel, sketching out ideas for a painting is often much like taking notes or writing a story all at once. Working out a concept often opens up unexpected new spiritual epiphanies to explore, I will often begin with a simple divine inspiration that opens up into a spiritual journey."

"I make 'hidden images' because they are fun to explore for the viewer, and I find that I can put much more meaningful concepts in using metaphoric content, it also opens up the viewers' imagination, they keep looking for more.

I often wish that someone else had done the work so that I could experience finding the hidden elements and working out the embedded meanings for the first time for myself."

"I also enjoy illustrating things that are experienced or felt but which can't be seen with the eyes, such as music or spirituality. Anything that I find deeply inspiring or challenging or teaching ends up being expressed visually and finds its way into my work, and hey, I’m an illustrator, it’s my job.

"I often strive to get a little of everything I know into an image, even in photo-realism. I will consider the emotional impact of the colors (as the colorists did), and the flow and movement of the elements (as the modernists have), and will add elements that flow into my sub-conciseness ( as the surrealists will ), and of course I love the glow and play of light (as the lumenists would)."

"I find it easy to jar someone’s emotions using images that are negative, and conveying something like a forest conservation issue would be extremely effective using images of dying animals and clear cut forests, but I’m a sensitive soul and no one wants that sort of image on their walls, so I constrain myself to the most positive and uplifting themes despite the limitations."

"I would love to find a way to inspire a true love of nature and wild life in the hearts of our young people, if I only could, the world would become a garden of Eden inhabited by happy gardeners and inspired naturalists."

Monday, April 16, 2007

WE ARE...gonna be part of American pop culture!

A while ago I had an idea for a little novelty item, the kind of thing that you'd see in Spencer's Gifts. In other words, it would have great mass appeal...probably not something you'd give the Oracle of Delphi if you wanted enlightened advice.

Well I was chatting with a friend about a month ago and this idea came up in conversation. She told me her husband was working on a project with a man who brought things like that to market and that she would run it by them. I laughed and said okay, go for it.

About a week passed and after a couple e-mail exchanges, we had an appointment with the man who makes ideas real. He greeted us warmly and we had not even reached the meeting table before he told us how excited he was about the novelty item. In fact, they had already sketched up some ideas and done market research. Keith & I looked at eachother and I mouthed "he already loves it!".

The meeting was scheduled to last 15 minutes; it took a full hour. At the end of the hour we had a handshake deal struck. The next morning we got an email with an even more generous offer. Through my friend I heard that he had decided to increase the offer because he could feel that we were in spiritual energetic alignment. Pretty cool.

Last Friday I got an email informing me that the artist had been hired and the meeting with the manufacturer is this week because they were fast-tracking the opportunity. All I could say was WOW!

So, here's another lesson of how important it is to put your INTENTIONS into specific ACTIONs to achieve MANIFESTATION.

The added lessons:

(1) Share your dreams;
(2) listen to those inner voices & do your part to bring them to life; and
(3) use your heart energy in everything you do; it will be recognized.

WE ARE...gonna be part of American pop culture!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I AM...gonna meet Oprah!

[n] an act of intending; a volition that you intend to carry out; "my intention changed once I saw her" ; [n] an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"; [n] (usually plural) the goal with respect to a marriage proposal; "his intentions are entirely honorable"

The concept of an 'intention' is often presented as all one needs to achieve any hoped-for outcome. But, it's important to keep in mind that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In other words, merely intending to do something without actually taking the necessary action to make it real is like doing nothing at all.

A recent example from my own journey over the last 5 years: I want to get the story of iCREATE to Oprah. Since I don't know her personally, I went to her website in 2005 and sent her my story. And then I submitted it again in early 2006. And once again in late 2006.

As you may have noticed, you haven't seen me on Oprah, lol. But, I had faith that I'd fulfill the intention of getting the message to Oprah.

In February 2007 I got an email from a friend telling me of the contestant search for Oprah's "Big Give" television show. I checked out the website, overcame my fear of seeing myself on video, followed the instructions and confirmed the receipt of the package. Since then I have been waiting [mostly] patiently to see if I am contacted for the semi-final round of the selection process. Thanks to site tracking, I do see the e-footprints of people associated with the show and I like to think that everyone that checks the site from Chicago is a friend of Oprah. And that they are telling her about iCREATE.

Whether or not I am selected for the next round, I have taken the necessary actions to fulfill my original intention of getting the information about iCREATE to Oprah.

Intention + Actions = Manifestation

I AM...gonna meet Oprah!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Secret Behind "The Secret"

DETAILS: Trilogy: 2 hrs 30 min
Conversational Extras: 45 min
Spring Screening: 10 min
The Meaning of Life: 5 min
DVD Video: NTSC 16x9 widescreen

Featuring in-depth interviews with Jerry & Esther Hicks and Abraham — whom Esther calls “infinite intelligence” and Jerry refers to as “the purest form of love I’ve ever encountered.”

How did this all start? How did Jerry & Esther meet? How did they meet Abraham?

Abraham discusses “The Law of Attraction,” “The Art of Allowing” and our “Emotional Guidance System.” They explain that, “life is supposed to be fun,” “the purpose of life is joy,” “there's no such thing as death,” and “you can be, do, or have anything you want.”

This 3-1/2 hour, 2-DVD set includes extras:

45 minutes of additional conversation: Stories from Jerry’s youth. Stories of close-calls and life-changing events . . .

Spring Screening: Audience reactions to meeting Abraham for the very first time.
And a one-episode sneak-preview of In Other Words — DEEPLY CHILLED TELEVISION

Pre-Order! Will be available April 10th, 2007!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Mathematics of Manifestation

Lesson One: I AM

Over the last few years the concept of manifestation has made its way into the global conversation. Not surprisingly, a lot of people seem to have grabbed onto the easy part of setting intentions. They seem to believe that old adage "If you want it badly enough, you will get it". However it's the unwritten words in that statement that really drive the outcome. I've always visualized the complete statement as: "if you want it badly enough, you will do whatever is neccesary without losing your integrity to make it happen and then you will get it.

I have summarized this in an easy to remember formula:
Intention + Actions = Manifestation
which further reduces down to I + A = M or I AM

The iCREATE journey has given me incredible opportunities to experience the truth of the I AM formula. I will be using this blog space to illuminate these concepts further using examples from my own life. And I hope that you will share your experiences with me too.
